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Case Evaluation

Your family law issues need our highly qualified attorneys. The Family Law Attorneys of Christian Schank & Associates serve clients throughout California.
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Years of Experience
Family Hearings

The Law Offices of Christian Schank and Associates offer a comprehensive case evaluation. During the case evaluation, our team of consultants will ask about your situation in order to gather information regarding your case, if your case has already been filed the consultant will gather your case number and any hearing information. The case evaluation is an invaluable tool to our office and will enable the firm to gather background information prior to your consultation with the attorney. We do this to make sure that your time spent with the attorney is utilized to the maximum and to cut down on going over background information. The attorneys use the information gathered to prepare for your appointment and make sure that going into the consultation they are prepared with a strong case strategy.

What to Expect During Your Case Evaluation

Finding yourself involved in a Family Law legal matter can be quite daunting. Oftentimes, especially if you’ve never been through the process before, you can find yourself confused, frustrated,ri and not knowing what to do next. At Schank & Associates, our aim is to help you get a grip on the situation, inform you as to what your current legal standing is, and equip you to proactively take charge of the situation. Our free case evaluation is step one in that process. When calling in, expect to discuss some of the following items:

  • A little information about yourself.
    • Contact Information & a bit of background information.
  • Case Information:
    • Is this a new or existing matter?
      • If it is a new petition, we’ll need to know the situation and desired outcome.
      • If it is a current matter be prepared to explain the details to the best of your ability.
    • For matters with existing filings / orders / judgements issued you’ll want to provide:
      • A Case Number.
      • Information on all parties involved.
      • The location (courthouse / county) where the matter will be presided over.
      • Any new developments that have come to light since the last court hearing.
  • Other topics you can expect to discuss include:
    • Information about the benefits of retaining an attorney with Schank & Associates
    • General questions about the legal process in which you are involved.
      • Note: We cannot provide “Legal Advice” no non client’s and our case evaluation process in no way establishes “Attorney/Client Privilege”
    • Information about our firm.
      • Location specific attorneys
      • Information about our office locations
    • A very general approximation of the costs to be expected with retaining our firm.
      • Please note: Family Law cases range from quite simple to extremely complex. Due to the nature of the legal process, we will not be able to accurately provide you with a retainer amount until after a consultation with one of our staff attorneys, where a detailed examination of your case and a specific legal strategy is discussed.

Free Case Evaluation

To get a Free Case Evaluation please call us at (800) 968-5313 or fill out the form below to have a legal professional contact you shortly.
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(800) 968-5313